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  • Stock: Pre-Order
  • Model: Digital Storage Oscilloscope 70MHz
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Sample RateReal-Time Sample: 1GS/s
Equivalent Sample: 25GS/s
Acquisition Modes
NormalNormal data only
Peak DetectHigh-frequency and randon glith capture
AverageWavefom Average, selectable 4,8,16,32,64,128
Inputs CouplingAC, DC, GND
Inpits Impendance1MΩ±2% ‖20pF±3pF
Probe Attenuation1X, 10X
Supported Probe Attenuation Factor1X, 10X, 100X, 1000X
Maximum Input VoltageCAT I and CAT II: 300VRMS (10×), Installation Category;
CAT III: 150VRMS (1×);
Installation Category II: derate at 20dB/decade above 100kHz to 13V peak AC at 3MHz* and above. For non-sinusoidal waveforms, peak value must be less than 450V. Excursion above 300V should be of less than 100ms duration. RMS signal level including all DC components removed through AC coupling must be limited to 300V. If these values are exceeded, damage to the oscilloscope may occur.
Sample Rate Range500MS/s--1GS/s
Waveform Interpolation(sin x)/x
Record Length40K
SEC/DIV Range2ns/div to 80s/div
Sample Rate and
Delay Time Accuracy
±50ppm(at over any ≥1ms time interval)
Offset Range2ns/div to 8ns/div; 
(-8div x s/div) to 20ms;
20ns/div to 80us/div; (-8div x s/div) to 40ms;
200us/div to 80s/div; (-8div x s/div) to 400s
Delta Time Measurement Accuracy 
(Full Bandwidth)
Single-shot, Normal mode:± (1 sample interval +100ppm × reading + 0.6ns);
>16 averages:± (1 sample interval + 100ppm × reading + 0.4ns);
Sample interval = s/div ÷ 200
Vertical Resolution8-bit resolution, all channel sampled simultaneously
Position Range2mV/div to 20mV/div, ±400mV;  50mV/div to 200mV/div, ±2V
500mV/div to 2V/div, ±40V; 5V/div to 10V/div, ±50V
Rise Time at BNC( typical)1.8ns 3.5ns5ns
Math+, -, *, /, FFT
FFTWindows: Hanning, Flatop, Rectamgular, Bartlett, Blackman;
1024 sample point
Bandwidth Limit20MHz
Low Frequency Response (-3db)≤10Hz at BNC
DC Gain Accuracy±3% for Normal or Average acquisition mode, 10V/div to 10mV/div;
±4% for Normal or Average acquisition mode, 5mV/div to 2mV/div
DC Measurement Accuracy, 
Average Acquisition Mode
When vertical displacement is zero, and N ≥16:± (3% × reading + 0.1div + 1mV) only 10mV/div or greater is selected; 
When vertical displacement is not zero, and N≥16: ± [3% × (reading + vertical position) + 1% of vertical position + 0.2div]; Add 2mV for settings from 2mV/div to 200mV/div; add 50mV for settings from 200mV/div to 10V/div
Volts Measurement Repeatability, 
Average Acquisition Mode
Delta volts between any two averages of ≥16 waveforms acquired under same setup and ambient conditions

Cursor MeasurementVoltage difference between cursors: △V
Time difference between cursors: △T
Reciprocal of △T in Hertz (1/ΔT)
Auto MeasuermentFrequency, Period, Mean, Pk-Pk, Cycli RMS, Minimum, Maximum, Rise time, Fall Time, +Pulse Width, -Pulse Width, Delay1-2Rise, Delay1-2Fall, +Duty, -Duty, Vbase, Vtop, Vmid, Vamp, Overshoot, Preshoot, Preiod Mean, Preiod RMS, FOVShoot, RPREShoot, BWIDTH, FRF, FFR, LRR, LRF, LFR, LFF
Display Type7 inch 64K color TFT (diagonal liquid crystal)
Display Resolution800 horizontal by 480 vertical pixels
Display ContrastAdjustable (16 gears) with the progress bar
Probe Compensator Output
Output Voltage( typical)About 5Vpp into ≥1MΩ load
Power Supply
Supply Voltage100-120VACRMS(±10%), 45Hz to 440Hz, CATⅡ
120-240VACRMS(±10%), 45Hz to 66Hz, CATⅡ
Power Consumption<30W
Fuse2A, T rating, 250V
TemperatureOperating: 32℉ to 122℉ (0℃ to 50℃);
Nonoperating: -40℉ to 159.8℉ (-40℃ to +71℃)
Cooling MethodConvection
Humidity+104℉ or below (+40℃ or below): ≤90% relative humidity;
106℉ to 122℉ (+41℃ to 50℃): ≤60% relative humidity
AltitudeOperating: Below 3,000m (10,000 feet);
Nonoperaring: Below 15,000m(50,000 feet)