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Voltage Calibrator

Buy Now Voltage Calibrator At Best Price In Pakistan.The voltage calibrator is used for basic measuring, testing and regulation techniques for setting and verifying test installations and instrumentation.

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Model: 2KVA Varic
ED-10C-2KVA VaricVariacs provide a voltage-adjustable source of alternating current (AC) electricity. Usually plugged into a wall outlet (120 volts AC at 60 Hertz in the USA), they have a knob-controlled output that can range from 0 volts AC (VAC) to about 140VAC, depending on how the winding i..
Fluke 715
Model: Volt/mA Loop Calibrator
Product overview: Fluke 715 Volt/mA Loop CalibratorThe Fluke 715 Volt mA Calibrator delivers outstanding performance, durability, and reliability in a compact, lightweight tool. Offered in the rugged Fluke 80 Series DMM package, the calibrator measures loop current as well as voltage output. It s..
SIM60 VOLT/AMPIt measures an unknown input voltage by converting the voltage to a digital value and then displays the voltage in numeric form.It is digital so it provides results as discrete numerals. Thus providing accuracy and versatility together.It measures the input voltage after converting the..
Model: Electrolytic Capacitor Withstand Voltage Tester 200V/600V
Voltage device to stand electrolytic voltage 0-600v, current: 2-100ma, charged and rechargedOverviewElectrolytic capacitance tester instructions:Technical parameters:Input voltage: ac 220vTest voltage: 200v 600vTest current: 2, 5, 50, 100maInstructions:1. Turn on the power switch and put k3 in th..
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